Save Money on Cell Phone Bills

Every one and their mother today has a cell phone.  Can we live without them now?  It doesn’t seem like it, but you have to admit that they are a great necessity.  You can check your e-mail, call anyone at anytime, and the best thing is that you can do this just about anywhere!

When it comes to a strapped budget, you may soon find out that your cell phone bill is getting a little too high for your liking.  Are there ways to save?  Of course there is!  There are ways to save on everything.  Today, I’m going to give you some tips on how you can save on your pesky cell phone bill.

Buy some of the prepaid packages

The text messaging package and the data packages may look like a lot of money ahead of time, but you’ll soon find out that you may actually use these services.  If you don’t text or use data like the Internet, e-mail on your phone, this won’t affect you, but if you do, you may want to consider the text messaging and data packages.  It doesn’t make sense to pay per text message, when you can buy 100s at a time.

Know how many minutes to use

If you have a higher end plan with a lot of minutes, you may not need all of them.  Take your last three statements and look at how many minutes you’re using.  If you’re only using 400 out of the 900, you may want to downgrade to a 500 minute package.  You may realize that you’re spending a lot of time talking on nights and weekends, which could be free, and don’t apply toward your normal minutes.

Who do your friends use?

A lot of big name carriers like Verizon allow you to talk to other Verizon members for absolutely no charge, no matter what time of the day it is.  If all of your friends have Verizon, why not have that carrier?  Ask the people you talk to the most on what carrier they have.   It may be worth it to switch, once your contract expires.

Look over your entire bill

I know I already told you to look at your last three statements, but it’s time to do this again.  You’ll want to look at each charge that is listed on your bill.  Are you using each service and taking advantage of it?  If you’re not, you may want to call up and get it cancelled.  If you don’t have your last three bills, you can always log into your account and download them.

Consider pay as you go plans

If you find yourself not using your phone a lot, try considering a pay as you go plan.  These are fairly cheap and you only pay for the minutes you use.  Most major carriers have them and if you’re interested, I would contact the carrier you’re working with today.

These are some of the main tips that you can use when it comes down to saving money.  If you’re paying more than $75 for your cell phone bill and you want to save money, I would highly recommend you check out some of these tips.  There’s no reason you should be paying a high amount to talk on your cell phone.


Dylan Breslin-Barnhart said...

Nice article. The main thing I would mention to anyone considering switching to pre-paid cell phones is that you should figure out first whether you can reduce your current cell bills down to acceptable levels--thereby saving often significant plan cancellation fees (AKA "early termination fees"), not to mention the convenience of keeping your present cell phone number. In this vein, I thought that I'd elaborate on a method for effectively reducing cellular expenses. Not to blatantly plug, but I work for the consumer advocacy website, powered by a company called Validas, where we slash the average cell bill by 22 percent. It costs five bucks to implement our suggested changes to your plan (the average consumer currently saves around $450 annually through us) but we will analyze your bill for free without any commitment of purchase, just to let you know exactly how many dollars your carrier is ripping you off by. I could go on and on about how shifty these cell companies can be in their attempts to make you overpay. We stop them, and have currently put over $5,000,000 back in the pockets of consumers. You can check out Validas’s in the national news media, most recently on Good Morning America at

Good luck to everyone reading on making an informed wireless choice.


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